Chris,,of course the choice is yours... Many years ago there was some very good copies being shown by a Japanese member. Not sure IF they were made there or[?]...OK. anyway

We've had other members around that time that had good HRs some with infamous personalities names etc.

- My position was,,,,,Since the copies were very good [for the time] the best thing to do would be to list and show the name to safe guard against counterfeiting!
Why would that work you might ask? -
Lets say a counterfeiter claims to have a infamous named H.R. He explains its in bad shape, extreme wear, and ground dug,,,those here proclaim it authentic. . - Some time passes and another member says 'hey look at this HR my uncle brought home from the war'. It is proclaimed authentic! Then he posts more photos of the ring and guess what? its the same name and date!. - Who has the real HR? Many will say the counterfeit HR because it was shown years before,and, those in the know say its real.
In reality it is the 2nd HR brought home by the vet that is authentic... again,Just my point of view...

There is a member that still posts here and might want to relate his experience.

and guys,,,don't worry who found out what or where. We are all in this hobby together and the best information comes with collaboration! [you can always add 'Photos Credit': which is nice if they're not yours and your sure ownership]...

Last edited by Gaspare; 03/09/2022 10:54 PM.