Interesting thread about the reissue rings , I wonder on valuation, how would a reissue ring be valued against the original issue ring seeing that reissue rings are scarce,

The klingsporn ring is interesting,

"Klingsporn was born in Berlin in 1903. From 1928 he lived in Osthofen, where he joined the NSDAP and the SS in 1929. 1924 to 1926 he had the KPDbelongs. The trained mechanic had been unemployed since November 1929. Klingsporn, known to his political opponents as a very "brutal SS man", according to his own statements, was actively involved in the Nazi riots against the local Social Democrats before 1933. In 1933 he was a security guard in Osthofen. Witnesses recognized him as a member of the "Einpeitscherkommando", which abused Jews and particularly hated political opponents in Camp II. However, he himself denied this in his tribunal proceedings in 1949; it could not be proven to him beyond a doubt. In 1940 he was drafted into the Waffen-SS and was a member of the guards at the SS special camp/KZ Hinzert until April 1941. As a member of the Waffen SS, he took part in World War II, ultimately with the rank of Hauptscharführer."

Last edited by The_Collector; 03/09/2022 10:36 PM.