- Nothing political here:

Have you guys been watching this invasion of Ukraine?! Putin thought it would be all wrapped up in 24 to 48 hours... Well guess what,,he figured wrong....

Imagine someone invading us here in our country!! we'd be doing the same, man, woman, child,,,fighting block to block.... The Ukrainian Pres, the Mayor of Kiev, didn't take off with a bag of gold bars,,,they are fighting! Plenty of heros to go around on the Ukrainian side,,,pull up 'Snake Island'!!! Heros all of them God bless their souls..

Now Russia is indiscriminately bombing apartment buildings, building complexes, even playgrounds.. I don't understand ..where is the help,,,from anyone!!!!!!!!!

A tiny place called Kuwait [non Nato] gets annexed and the world goes crazy!!! - We have a legal agreement that if Ukraine gave up their Nukes that we the U.S.A would help them, back them up all the way.... What the hell happened?! confused

My Wifes 2 nephews 31 and 35 and a cousin 50 are fighting in Kiev!! - We lost track of my daughters 83 yr old Grandmother 2 days ago. We had communications then nothing...
My Sister -in-law has been sheltering in her root cellar the last 3 days.. She is a few miles from the city and right where Ukraine shot down 2 transport/Paratrooper transport planes! The problem is food. So her and a few neighbors have been all contributing and making family style meals twice a day to get by....

Big thanks to Elon Musk of Tesla fame for making sure Ukraine has the Internet... ALSO big thanks to Turkey for not letting the Russians use that part of the black sea against Ukraine. AND big thanks for the countries letting the Ukrainians go there until this is over.....

Again the E.U., countries are pledging weapons' and safe delivery of them but WHEN?! Don't know how much longer Ukraine can hang on,,,,every morning is a miracle that they are still alive and fighting...

Freedom isn't free,,you got to fight for it, And they are!,,but dam,,,a little help would be appreciated,,,God bless them all....... Please,,if its in you,,all prayers are appreciated... Thanks...,Gaspare

Last edited by Gaspare; 03/02/2022 01:24 AM.