Hello Gaspare. Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate it.

Do I understand it correctly you are talking about this particular ring and not this TYPE of the ring (which is proven to be period) ?

I agree the ring has some flaws, that is the reason I want to hear some other opinions but I do not agree about the lack of detail. There is a nice wear in the back of the bend of the ring (especially on one leaf) which is normal with a ring which was worn (on the photo). Some of the details are quite exeptional but sadly it is hard to make better photos which could show it, but I can try. Next fact is the ring has been resized - which mean it was heated a few times in extreme temperatures and while resizing the goldsmith has to struck it to be round again... Also that part had to be polished. So, I'm just adding some thoughts...

The best would be to have photos of the same ring at least the same quality as I am sending here. Is anyone willing to share them?

I'm also sending the best photo of the hallmark I was able to take.

For now I had a few fellow collectors to check the ring beside of me. All agreed the ring is good. One of them was claming the ring is bad but after he has seen more quaility pictures he changed his opinion. But we have a saying 'More heads know more' (not sure if does make sence in English :-D ). So any thoughts are welcomed, really!

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Last edited by Viki; 05/28/2021 07:00 PM.