eek just on the news:

Florida had 11,000.!,,,Eleven Thousand!! NEW cases on Saturday.. shocked eek

FL, California, Arizona and many other states,,many! Come on guys!!!, get with the program.. IS making money more important than the lives of your residents!?!? What is the major malfunction?!? Can't follow some simple rules? or these people just don't give a shit about anyone else to include their own families!?!

ALL weekend long all I saw on TV was these states [and others] with their local governments letting people,,both young and old,,congregate, party, drink in bars, theme parks etc. ALL to close up on each other!, ALL ,most without masks! No hand sanitizer on the outside of their establishment or even inside..
The facts now show for every positive test there are probably 3 more positives out there!!! SO, FL for example has a minimum of 33,000 that are really positive! mad

What the hell is wrong with people. YOU can do something. IF your states are one of the 'newer' states that are showing these high positives/deaths etc. you can start calling your representatives now.... 2 or 3 five min calls, 15 minuets total every day for a week would probably do it.. Calling your local news stations/papers etc will help too,,,But everyone from your area must do it together,,EVERYONE !

- * It looks like this thing is now mutating to a truly 'airborne' virus.. IF this continues without the people stopping it NOW these states graveyards will overflow by the end of this next flu season!!!