well NYS is about 100 dead a day right now. Bad but WAY better than 800 a day a short while ago.

NYS was shut down,,the biggest city,,shut down!. things still a way off until normal. Starting to open a bit at a time. More almost daily between NY NJ and CONN.

- still people complaining. its pretty simple,,,just wear a mask while out for another couple weeks. Keep washing up good and often. We are doing it,,Americans working together.
Many impatient to get back to normal,,and its coming,,DON"T blow it now,,,but please, wear the masks, a tiny bit more of patience. And,,since your all be happy to get a haircut, have a drink at the bar,,how about a quick stop at the Red Cross. They,,,WE,,really need blood..

Good work and Congrats guys, all the 1st responders, supermarket workers, truck drivers, janitors,laundry,food pantries,mechanics,meat packers, etc.,,you were the essential workers, the real heroes!