Originally Posted by lartiste
Antonio, if this is only advertisement on your upcoming book, then just please inform us when the book will be out and when and if you are willing to provide your answers to questions you raised. Otherwise in my humble opinion this discussion does not make any sense.

This discussion doesn't make any sense simply because you are not able to answer to my questions or what?

IMO this discussion perfectly shows the actual knowledge of the "old guard" and the die stricking supporters on this field: ZERO.

Have you ever seen a real evidence about the die stricking production? Any period documentation? Any comparison? Of course not.

So, why is this discussion without any sense if revealed some important details and so much important questions never raised before?
Maybe because it was better to have only few "experts" that decide what is good or what is bad without any real sense or knowledge?

Very nice to see the "Experts" confusing production processes, being speachless in front of evidences, inventing new impossible production techniques, having nothing to show... This is what happens when you close your mind and trust a "revealed" (fake) truth.

Finally, this is not an advertising for a book, I no need to advertise anything. If you don't understand that making a book, a serious one, costs MUCH MORE than what you'll ever earn from the sales, then it is clear you know nothing in this field too. I make research simply because I can, I have time to do it, and I try to give collectors some help. I will never get back all the thousands $ I spent to make analysys, buy period documents, find sources, and all the years I spent to study these rings.

One important thing: during the Third Reich they never used rubber molds, they only used plaster molds and investment materials.