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#345895 03/10/2020 01:57 AM
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Hopefully everyone knows a bit about what is happening around the globe with it..
My wife works for a major hospital in NYC. I've been volunteering the last 10 days there helping with cleaning...

All hands on deck!

Please guys,,,,,IF anyone tells you its just like a bad case of the flu,,,,or you have to be a senior citizen, or have a compromised immune system,,,they are full of sh*t period!
You catch a good case of it and its a pretty good chance you might not make it!

- From keeping my ears open some tips I've heard:

Stay away from anyone that is sick.. Even if they say they just had a cold and its just about gone...
Be careful what you are touching. IF you are in a train station, in a store etc. and had to touch a counter a railing do not touch your face . Find a way to wash your hands.
Wash your hands well first then your face a few times a day.
Keep hand shaking to a absolute minimum if at all!
You can catch it from a animal IF the owner tests positive and plays with it a lot.
Keep all surfaces in your house clean, all your door handles even your car door handles.
Be careful with your money. It can transfer the virus..
I've heard a couple Drs saying 'thank God the Summer is coming'... [Apparently it does not live well in the heat]..
Even though I've heard masks do not help...IF things get real bad masks and rubber gloves will help,,,,and for Gods sake guys , keep your hands away from your face!

Hopefully we'll get a handle on it and by next flu season we'll have it included with our flu shot vaccines.....,G.

Gaspare #345904 03/10/2020 05:04 PM
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You are darn right!! Before entering this forum I washed my hands and it's not easy to type these reaction with 1 meter between me and the screen but safety first!!

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Last edited by Graspaps; 03/10/2020 05:08 PM.
Gaspare #346244 04/03/2020 11:50 AM
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well ,,now we all know it is no joke.. There's a topic in the Jewelry forum but realize not everyone reads it so repeating my last post from there:

- My wifes crew now has 13 testing positive.... The Vents started appearing over the weekend.. EACH one must be inspected and checked for operation. Many were missing parts.. A refrigerated tractor trailer was brought in for those who didn't make it.

The police have handed over a few 1000 confiscated masks.. I was helping sort them out. The bastards took regular cheapie dust masks and stamped N-95 on them! [The 95 means they filter out by 95%] ....

It is VERY contagious guys. Think only 3 states as of today have no cases. It will get around. It kills the young and old rich and poor. No discrimination with this bitch.. Has at least a 2 week incubation period so you really don't know whos been exposed and passing it around.. UV light will kill the virus also!

No matter what they tell you,, *wear a mask anywhere where there are people. Wash your cash, CC, your mail, the boxes delivered to your house. Of course door knobs in house ,,light switches, kitchen cabinet knobs, sink handles, fruits and veggies , steering wheel/shift knob , hands and NO face touching..

Big thanks to the President for the Navy hospital ship,,to GE,,Honeywell,,3M, FIT, Russia , and all the privateers retooling ,,making masks, gloves and Vents, face shields,, gowns.. We still have all sorts of shortages here. Most wearing the same mask for 3 days. Today the director told my wife shes better off with a bandanna,,covers more/better and you can hand wash it at night.

Here in NY state its pretty bad.. The last week,, and the next month someone will die every 7 minuets.........

* since posting this a couple days ago it is now advised to wear a face covering anytime your out of your home around people...

A new vacuum cleaner bag , a pleated A/C filter , silk a great material , any material non toxic can be sewed up into a mask. There are non sew methods too on the net. Easiest and plenty around usually is a bandanna,,just a simple hand wash to it at the end of the day and it'll be fine for your next day of battle..

Stay safe guys, stay in if you can, wash pray wash pray and repeat during the day!... Be careful guys....,G.

Last edited by Gaspare; 04/03/2020 11:53 AM.
Gaspare #346261 04/04/2020 05:54 PM
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So sorry for you Gaspare ... so sorry for NY ... so very sorry for all Americans! Those that truly know ... will be terrified.

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Gaspare #346267 04/05/2020 01:44 AM
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We losing someone in NY every 2 min now.... Next 10 days will be worse...

NY, Detroit, Louisiana, WA state, NJ.. Some not so bad.. IF it can be contained and everyone will just stay in and keep everything clean maybe the other states won't be as bad..

Take it serious, wash, wear your mask, stay in, pray, are my suggestions......,G.

Gaspare #346270 04/05/2020 12:40 PM
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Hope you and your wife are staying safe.
I can not believe with this virus at this stage the US still has people flying all over the country.
Watched a vidio yesterday of a college girl who just flew and went through two airports to get home to her parents, not learning much at college these days.
We have a home in Missouri and one in Colorado. Would only have to stop at one or two gas stations for the trip, and are waiting for better days.
Sad times.
Stay safe!!

Gaspare #346341 04/09/2020 03:26 AM
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New cases are on the low side today,,but death rate still very high [ little over 6000 today in NY state alone! ]. Every hospital here has at least 1 supplemental refrig truck for those passed.. Seems to be masks for hospital workers. Vents been coming in slowly but surely..Still low on gowns. Stores here still low on supplies,, no cleaning or paper products.

* I know we're all supposed to stay home.. But,,IF you have to go out for supplies,, Please, maybe you can spare 30 min.. - NY and other areas running dangerously low on blood....

Last edited by Gaspare; 04/09/2020 02:03 PM.
Gaspare #346369 04/12/2020 10:52 PM
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correction- , not 6000 a day die -

- NYS has been having around 800 die a day for the last week..

Seems like hot dry states like AZ might escape a high death rate. also states like North Dakota,,wide open spaces, also hopefully will escape..

But most of the nation is reporting dangerous low blood supplies,,,,IF you can and can go safely to donate please do..

Last edited by Gaspare; 04/12/2020 10:52 PM.
Gaspare #346606 04/29/2020 10:33 PM
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4/29/2020,, today , more than 60K have died in the US,,more than 911 and the Viet Nam war combined!

So today and the last few days NYS has had approx 350 die from C-19. Still sounds high but it was not that long ago we were averaging 800 a day ,,and that was for 10 days or so! The down trend has started..

Lots of talk about heros.. YES absolutely the Drs,, Nurses, ,1st responders,, firms that retooled to make supplies.
Some other real heros not really mentioned in the hospital,,their clinical engineering dept, sanitation, custodial,, laundry,, kitchen.. And, MTA workers and all those who wore and still do wear their masks, wash up etc. Thanks guys,,you kept my wife alive and well while she was working in the fire.

One more thing,,,even though your state might have escaped the worst of this, the infected, the deaths etc. I would say I'm sure your state is low on blood . The Red Cross needs blood badly..

Come on guys,,only takes 15 min .. Get in there!

Gaspare #346837 05/21/2020 12:25 AM
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well NYS is about 100 dead a day right now. Bad but WAY better than 800 a day a short while ago.

NYS was shut down,,the biggest city,,shut down!. things still a way off until normal. Starting to open a bit at a time. More almost daily between NY NJ and CONN.

- still people complaining. its pretty simple,,,just wear a mask while out for another couple weeks. Keep washing up good and often. We are doing it,,Americans working together.
Many impatient to get back to normal,,and its coming,,DON"T blow it now,,,but please, wear the masks, a tiny bit more of patience. And,,since your all be happy to get a haircut, have a drink at the bar,,how about a quick stop at the Red Cross. They,,,WE,,really need blood..

Good work and Congrats guys, all the 1st responders, supermarket workers, truck drivers, janitors,laundry,food pantries,mechanics,meat packers, etc.,,you were the essential workers, the real heroes!

Gaspare #346929 06/09/2020 02:37 PM
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Well its been a 100 days... Think we lost something like 30 people yesterday.. I don't check anymore. We are def on the down trend and parts of NYC are reopening a little at a time. By July I think things will be to the new normal..

We should have been cleaning the subways, mass transit etc. WAY better than we were. And we will be from now on. Masks,, I think everyone will at least have a mask on them in case of a person showing sickness signs. It's just the way its going to be for a very long time if not forever here in the big citys..
Anyway,,,100 days! I'm proud of NYers.. Some that opened early are already having upspikes. They got to keep their cool,,not so fast,, a little at a time.

This not political just funny,,and I'm a born, bred NYer so I can say this... Someone asked my why are our locals protesting and destroying, looting our own city.
- My wife is there every day. I'm there 1,,2 times a week, my daughters there every day,,,we ALL came to the same conclusion. - Most of the protesters are not NYers. I'd say maybe 25%. The ones that START to destroy at strategic locals when it gets dark,,,they too are not NYers,,maybe 10%. ,,,but the nuts looting? yeah,, they are NYers sad to say..

- * I know this for sure as I've had some of the people leading the groups ask me directions, or the best way to get to etc.,,,,,NO way a NYer doesn't know their way around. We have a lot of people but its a small area... Hope in 2 weeks we won't have a uptick from these agitators/protesters etc. We'll have to wait and see.

The new mantra should be,, ALM,,,,, ALL LIVES MATTER.!..

Gaspare #347193 07/07/2020 12:50 PM
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eek just on the news:

Florida had 11,000.!,,,Eleven Thousand!! NEW cases on Saturday.. shocked eek

FL, California, Arizona and many other states,,many! Come on guys!!!, get with the program.. IS making money more important than the lives of your residents!?!? What is the major malfunction?!? Can't follow some simple rules? or these people just don't give a shit about anyone else to include their own families!?!

ALL weekend long all I saw on TV was these states [and others] with their local governments letting people,,both young and old,,congregate, party, drink in bars, theme parks etc. ALL to close up on each other!, ALL ,most without masks! No hand sanitizer on the outside of their establishment or even inside..
The facts now show for every positive test there are probably 3 more positives out there!!! SO, FL for example has a minimum of 33,000 that are really positive! mad

What the hell is wrong with people. YOU can do something. IF your states are one of the 'newer' states that are showing these high positives/deaths etc. you can start calling your representatives now.... 2 or 3 five min calls, 15 minuets total every day for a week would probably do it.. Calling your local news stations/papers etc will help too,,,But everyone from your area must do it together,,EVERYONE !

- * It looks like this thing is now mutating to a truly 'airborne' virus.. IF this continues without the people stopping it NOW these states graveyards will overflow by the end of this next flu season!!!

Gaspare #347206 07/08/2020 05:46 PM
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Besides the airborne mutation it also appears now that the highly coveted antibodies developed in those who have recovered from the illness are only lasting a few weeks or months. So there is no safe guarantee for the survivors. There is nothing now that suggests they wont get sick again. I am not sure what the mutations plus the disappearing antibodies does to the hope surrounding a vaccine- but it does not sound good. It may end up having to be many years of just sitting tight and hoping we are the remaining wheat once the reaper is done taking his cut. I for one am taking precautions and praying for the most part. In the end that is all anyone can really do I suppose. I hope that the virus disappears as quickly as it appeared. Good bit of news is that extreme heat does have an impact on the integrity of the virus- 30 minutes at 133 Fahrenheit. Outside of Death Valley CA I do not know where in my nation that has ever been measured. But the vitamin D does help strengthen the immune system so fish oils sunlight and D3 supplements are likely some bit of help.

Gaspare #347235 07/13/2020 04:58 PM
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All good info Mike..

This past Saturday the state of Florida had 11,000,,Eleven Thousand new cases in ONE day!,,,ONE DAY!!!. and still the Governor won't do a complete shut down.. Numb skull doesn't realize or care that he is endangering us all!

Big problem as of now, other than Covid. My wifes hospital announced a Nation wide shortage of blood. Every state!.
This is a serious problem for everyone.. Donating blood is completely safe and maybe takes 45 min start to finish.. Please guys,,if you can donate do it!

Gaspare #347237 07/13/2020 06:02 PM
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They broke that record with a 15k day. Morgue trucks on their way to more and more locations. In some places they still think it is a joke. One school district I found had a parent survey result of over 90 percent unwilling to send their kids to school with any face covering whatsoever. But insisted on a full 5 day week of regular at school instruction. I can actually understand someone standing on a belief with their own adult life as the ante chips..... but kids who rely on adults to make a safe and responsible choice? I find that appalling. My opinion.

Gaspare #348058 11/21/2020 11:50 PM
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I leave tomorrow to visit family for our Thanksgiving holiday here in the states. - Please take precautions if you travel. Common sense always works best,,,wear a mask when out, disinfect hands frequently when out and when you get home. Do not touch your face while out. Keep everything extra clean at home and in your car..

We'll get thru this winter but there will be losses. Beginning of2021 these vaccines will begin and things will get better.. Remember the old saying,,,cleanliness is next to Godlliness....

- * and we still have a nation wide shortage of blood.. IF you, a family member or friend will need a emergency procedure there could be a problem. At your local Red Cross donation center,,,takes 30 min inside, test, blood out, and you get a cookie and orange juice!, Great deal!, go for it guys...

Gaspare #348064 11/24/2020 02:15 AM
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Motorcycle or airplane to the West Coast, Gaz?

Bon Voyage,


Gaspare #348087 11/27/2020 08:28 PM
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Airplane,, to Pacific NorthWest.... Did get to ride a really nice KTM 350 4 stroke motocrosser.. They street legal there!

In high mountains, 2 hours from Victoria Island. Gigantic redwoods, maples, moss covered everything, gigantic waterfalls... We were BBQing in 2 feet of snow Had enough good wine to float a ship! We took a covid test day before we left. Plane empty,,everyone had their own row, everything antiseptic..

On way back today plane full but middle seats empty. Very clean,,, and once back in NY National Guard took our contact info and said they will be texting us in 48 hours...... We have covid tests scheduled for tomorrow!

Last edited by Gaspare; 11/27/2020 08:29 PM.
Gaspare #353047 12/30/2021 04:48 PM
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My state hit 70k positives yesterday and theres way more they just not tested.

The Omnicron presents like the regular common cold. Original C-19 and Delta still around and bad news..

* Where some will hit problems are if they have any of these combos:
Diabetes , obese, COPD, Asthma, heart condition / high blood press. , long time smoker, immune disease.. You have 3 of these and you test positive you WILL have some problems.....

Be careful guys,,,wash those hands, careful what you touch,, and no face touching,, mask in crowded place.. They're expecting next month to be worse...

[and the NYC mayor can't decide to have the News Years Eve street party or cancel! crazy ]

Gaspare #353049 12/30/2021 05:36 PM
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Well, lets take a cruse on a ship with 5000 people from all over the world, and stop in 7 ports.
NO, NO, lets get on a airplane with 300 to 400 people that fight the crew and hit other passengers, so we can see uncle Fred for Xmas.
Yea, and lets go to the square for a ball drop with thousands of idiots.
What do you expect for the good old USA.
Gas, people will not learn anything anymore, I don't know.
Stay safe up there

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