Ric., members, , a while ago when Odal was still alive he and I went in on a expensive load of period trade booklets [ jewelers, engravers, retailers]. A gold mine of ring line drawings, jeweler advertisements etc. They were in Germany and Odal showed me a few quick scans and I asked him to send me 5 or 7 booklets I really needed..
We had all the time in the world..... I wanted Odal to have his pick. It was a no loose situation.. The he shows me a diagram of a very weird manufacture method. The more I looked at it the more I realized this could be for the HR... I asked Odal for that issue and he said no problem he'd send it with my half [30 more issues!] in a couple weeks.. I modified the diagram and sent it to Antonio.. Of course he flipped out. He had already been working on something that was leading in that direction! Some emails and photos and I do not believe the HR was made from one die.. or at least the 2nd pattern... Antonio has been spending lots of time and a big expense sending samples to labs etc. He;s got something and he's putting it in print and hopefully this year we'll see for sure..

* The trade guilds/booklets,, A couple weeks later Odal passed away. I never got the books. I sent a nice condolence card to his wife [not mentioning the books]. I was going to wait then ask. Then suddenly a member here shows me Odals rings on a auction. Not fluent in German I asked the auctioneer to contact his wife and just ask IF she had seen the books. I got it loud and clear,,,,leave her alone. Forget the money, the books, she lost her husband and father to their children. It's all ok,,,R.I.P. brother..

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Last edited by Gaspare; 01/18/2020 12:54 AM.