What i have red over the years regarding WaA markings the number behind it ( in this case 103) was linked to an inspector.
They were assigned to plants for a limitted amount of time, these time periods were limitted to prevent for a so called "friendly" relation between the inspector and the plant management.

Army contracts were very lucrative, so corruption and payoffs Always played a role in the Reich, therefore limitted periods of assigement.

Thats why you can see the WaA103 marking on totally different items.
WaA103 for example was once assigned to the FN factory in Belgium.


I like the shoulderstrap, in green a hard to find one for sure.
Im not sure why it would be an army forrestry item , as accountrements like shoulderstraps were imo private purchases, at least this marking on a shoulderstrap is the first for me.
But we aint seen everything yet.

Last edited by Gerrit1963; 08/23/2018 02:46 PM.