Hello Dave, thank you very much for taking care!
I personally would have highly suggested to prohibit any linked photographs.
Links are ok when the source shall be pointed out but the certain photographs in such link should also be obligatory indelibly connected with the forum by download.
The energy, the knowledge and the efforts of our replying members are for nothing, the sense of the forum as a work of reference is gone once a link is dead.
This thread is a paradigm. It is next to impossible to get photographs always afterwards when a link is down so why not place them already when opening a thread, by the starter himself?
Just my personal experience and thoughts.
Naturally I do accept what the forum owners do decide.

PS.: BTW, as we see, the disappearing-contribution-thing is still not solved.

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.