We are beating around the bush here with the problem being everybody is an"Expert" in metal fabrication without comprehending what these
processes are OR the equipment at the time AND indeed STILL being used almost everywhere.
I have two genuine rings (WITH PROVENANCE)
I have ALWAYS been of the opinion the manufacturing process is the simple,cheap,low volume,uncomplicated method known as "Roll Forming Mill"Ideally suited to a relatively small fabricator and used in THE JEWELLERY Business.I was with a Company called General Plate in Attleboro Mass subsequently Texas Instruments Inc.Among many metallurgical exotic
materials produced,the Company was the biggest
supplier of jewellery materials to that Industry.
Attleboro and the surrounding area into Rhode Island was the Pfortzheim of the USA.There were
literally hundreds of Roll Forming Mills AND Jewellery Companies in the area..Robbins,Balfours et al.Your Class Rings
possibly came from there.Don IS essentially correct except for the "Fine tuning of the terminology"OK Schools out... Big Grin
Seiler (yank in uk)