Originally Posted By: [email protected]
Hi Barry I agree I was merely asking Dave to chime in based on his wide knowledge off SS daggers in general this dagger has been trashed here I was merely asking for an opinion as to whether or not there was a chance that the dagger offered and sold by Tom was authentic. I respect Tom a great deal and owe him an immeasurable debt. But many here have said it is bad from his pics we used to have a code here at GDC that stated a person had to provide greater detail when pronouncing an item as fake unfortunately we all have stories like yours take care cheers, Ryan

Well Ryan, you asked for opinions... well you had them.
The dagger is fake. It has not chance to be Original. So, also no problem with trashing a fake item.
Weither Dave says it or someone else.
If another one's opinion doesn't caunt and you want opinion from Dave alone, then you better write him a PM or so... :-)

Last edited by Krikke; 08/09/2017 08:53 PM.