Dave, why is it when I ask an entirely legitimate question I'm pushing it?? I respect your knowledge base and your expertise regarding SS daggers. You are considered an expert in the field and certainly are held in high regard on this forum. I am a forum member who merely asked for an opinion. I did not flag this dagger and have NO opinion on it. I DO hold Tom Johnson in VERY high regard as I do Tom Wittmann. You have been a vocal proponent of exposing dealers who sell knowingly fraudulent items in the past during the life of this forum. You have requested that members name said dealers. I consider Tom an expert in his field and except for Witty there are none better in my opinion. Their collective opinions are gospel for me on SS daggers. I also value your opinion. I asked for an opinion of originality based on the pics of the dagger and wanted to know if you think there is any possibility that this dagger could be of the period. Should you not wish to offer an opinion I find it strange but I totally GET IT. The photos that Tom had online were certainly good enough that some one chose to purchase. cheers and best I will buy you a drink at the Max