in our new book about German edged weapons we are doing for Schiffer, we are mostly focused on named pieces.
It's definetley a problem to judge whether an inscription is genuine or not.

High quality blade etchings with blueing and gold inlays are reproduced today, though age can not be faked well.

Well executed hand engravings when showing some real and honest wear are likely to be original. A few hints can lead to a better understanding of the genuity. Unfortunately to publish these hints would provide the fakers with informations they are actually do not have, as it seems.

A few basic rules:
- age can not easily be faked
- a skilled hand-engraving is always more recommended than a cheap machine engraving
- Pantograph engravings are unusual and therefore sometimes questionable
- have a keen eye to laser engravings. Obviously they are of modern times
- an engraving should always make sense and should be done in correct German language, make this sure


Last edited by Flyingdutchman; 05/07/2017 02:59 PM.