Well guys.. The main problem with my project was that it was just too dam big!
Most publishers don't understand rings unless they collect them themselves.
Take the West Wall / West Front rings.. Guys,,a book itself could be written on this subject [and has]..
So an excellent publisher told me IF it was ever going to be published I'd have to cut it down.. So I'm doing a beginners guide then afterwards and advanced collectors volume.

So several weeks ago I had sent a sample chapter [ I picked WestWall/Front Rings].. I sent the text and the photos the way I wanted them [in color, my size etc.] .. I nervously waited, waited,and waited,..
Then!!,,late last week I saw the email from the publisher.. He wrote that he loved it! ,that it would be perfect..He's still got something or other to check about it but said,,to go full steam ahead!

Thats great news guys. I was worried the photos would be no good, the text etc. But this is great, great, great,news!

SO, I go full steam ahead!,,hopefully pretty soon,, couple months and done!.