A well known dealer would of priced it accordingly by condition and desirability....a well known dealer would of known by his own "good sales reputation"........... would of not put a $3100 price tag..on a total repaired grip ..dog chewed crossguards... and a questionable blade motto which appears to be laser etched.

The top guard HAS BEEN OPENED IN MODERN TIMES as that kind of trauma and distress just doesnt happen in a few years during the 3rd Reich period. It has been opened more times than most convenient stores front doors on a daily basis.

Not sure whats going on here..but someones or ourselves chain are being yanked.

A very decent untouch conditioned SS dagger can be found for that $3100 price and by some very reputable dealers here on this forum !! IMO you overpaid by $2000 and thats being generous giving the dealer the benefit of the doubt that whats left of it has some promise of authenticity.

Im curious of the dealer also..and the why hes yanking your chain or are the members here being yanked also !

Regards Larry

Last edited by Siegfried B; 09/13/2016 03:20 AM.

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