yes! Hapur makes rings in both the 'investment' method and the old school way [die press].

"At the top in the battle for Germany's greatness"

For our German speakers here,,,what do you think of this writing? Or would any of the SS collectors know of this saying appearing anywhere else.
And, then he date,,1939/1940. Quite early..

I have a few problems as I mentioned before. One being the material,,does it pose a production problem. Maybe Hapur can weigh in on this.
2, that saying,,for me it kind of doesn't make sense. We know the SS didn't like their motto to be used. But why not the simple For our service time',,or similar.
3,,they all seem to be from diggers. So far none from a German veteran, or listed in a grouping..
4th,,Where did the SS soldier buy these rings? and how?. Were they made/sold from Germany? or somewhere from the Eastern Front [doubtful]..
So as Odal says,,and how I think we left off the last time with this pattern,,IF you like it great but its something we are all not going to agree on...

Last edited by Gaspare; 12/29/2015 04:03 AM.