Jim, sequential numbers of two items in a catalog is irrelevant. Look at an Assmann catalog and find two items of sequential numbers. Does it mean they belong together? Or where they simply associated together as common items, ie. shako part, buckles, swords and hangers?

I have never seen another General's hanger. It is beautiful, but not that beautiful $ wise. The hanger for the officer can be found. I have seen them in the $300 range or so.

But I am surprised no one corrected me, so I must correct myself. The two hangers are only valid for police officers wearing either the SS-Fuhrerdegen or the SS-Polizei Fuhrerdegen. I have to look around for the Trageschlauf f. Allegemeine SS Officers. Since the scabbard is the same, I would surmise the hanger would be a tear-drop shape, bullion on black leather. SS Allegemeine SS general ranks did not wear gold, so perhaps the hanger was good for both officers and general rank officers.

"This hobby is a continuing education"
Looking for Walther Model 8 #727649
and Walther PP #975557