I was asked to post the following by Frederick Stephens who was having problems getting the image online.


For your further interest, the WKC company in their export catalogue for The Netherlands and her Colonies (May, 1935), features an example of this chain hanger. It is listed as stock number 8333 Sabelkette ("Sabre-chain").

I do not believe that it was manufactured exclusively for The Netherlands, or even that WKC was the sole manufacturer. In the inter-war period this style of hanger could well have been utilized by a number of nations, as well as those German States that maintained their own regional sword patterns (Hesse, Baden, Thuringen etc.)

As such, it is absurd to state that the chain could never have been used by some members of the early SS, albeit semi-officially. Members of the organisation have been noted - in early days - bearing a variety of dress weapons, to include Imperial pieces, as well as the known variations of the SS Sabre. All this prior to the adoption of the definitive SS Degen and the appropriate accoutrements.