Untouched 1929 Reichsmarine daggers are very rare. As they were worn until the late thirties they are also interesting for IIIR collectors. Even "wearing..." pics are rare but come by when you are lucky.
I have looked for decades to find a decent exemplar of such a dagger (mine is an EICKHORN with hammered scabbard).
What I can see from the pics you have a nice, untouched, depot marked M 1929 (first model navy) with the salty "was there" look, highly appreciated by a lot of collectors. The portepee is frozen into it�s place. A fine feature is the flawless grip (mostly these are broken on such early, much worn daggers).
Congrats to the piece (and also to the equally nice Mod. 1921),

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.