Originally Posted By: Byzanti
Nice rings, and links(?) Didn't see any at the SOS, Finnish or polish. Saw 2 maybe-category kantine rings, but they looked more maybe not than maybe yes. Lots of random US rings, a few ok trench rings...and andy had the ss tks. Lots of repros though as andy said, nothing worth having, kind of disappointing. Also one very little imperial patriotic pinky ring, not too bad, just the diagonal colors...guy wanted 295...I am assuming he meant roubles. Kept on walkin. Nice stuff Odal.

Thanks Mike!
Yes, finnish patriotic cufflinks.
Last days/weeks i was a lot of hours on finnish websites and i found the finns real love military rings. There are a lot around. Old and new ones.

�Eine gewaltt�tige, herrische, unerschrockene, grausame Jugend will ich. Jugend muss das alles sein. Schmerzen muss sie ertragen. Es darf nichts Schwaches und Z�rtliches an ihr sein. Das freie, herrliche Raubtier muss wieder
aus ihren Augen blitzen."