Because posted images are an integral part of running a web site, I have done a bit of research into current copyright laws. Basically, the photographer owns the copyrights to a photo and the photo can not be used without his permission. Even citing the source does not give someone permission to download and use the photo on their website. Conversely, owning an item photographed by someone else or buying a photo does not give you the copyright. The copyright remains with the photographer unless you have a written agreement from the photographer giving you the copyright.

When you post a photo on GDC, you are giving us a limited use copyright to display the photo on the web site. That does not give permission for any other use of your photos. If you allow your photos to be used by other individuals without permission, you may lose any future copyright protection as the photo can then be considered in the public domain. It is up to the copyright owner to protect his interests.

If you have a problem with a site using photos without permission, email the site owner and request he remove them. Most web site owners will either comply or ask for your permission to use the photos. If he does not respond or refuses, then email the web site Internet Service Provider (ISP). State that the photos were used without permission and provide links to the photos involved. The ISP will contact the site owner and require them to either remove the images or provide documentation that they have the permission of the copyright owner.

This information applies in all countries that signed the International Copyright Agreement. Results may vary if the host country has not signed wink

As a final note, I have not given anyone permission to download photos from GDC for any purpose!

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