I agree with you that this is a great place to share, which is what I was trying to do. Don't confuse me pointing out blatant misrepresentations of my ring with being confrontational.
I have posted five SSHR between GD and WAF to contribute to the Forum and or respective thread. I have had a Don Boyle COA prior to every posting.
So for me Tanker, not one of my 5 rings needed your clarification.
4 of the 5 rings Have been sold or traded, but should I be in the market for another one. you have convinced me not to post it on here, because if it were my first ring and I didn't have a COA from Don I may have returned it.
Tanker, your ring is very worn compared to mine and you didn't get the free "clarification"

Originally Posted By: Tanker
Whoa, just wait a minute! Don't get all upset if someone questions your ring just because you don't post clear specific pics to begin with! Nobody is out looking to prove your ring is a fake. It just needed some clarification and and nothing is wrong with someone asking for that clarification.
Next time, try and post clear clsoe up pics and a little more info. You post a pic and a coupel of lines of info. Sometimes folks don't know if you are asking for opinions ar just showing.
This forum is a grerat place to share and no need for anyone to get confrontational.