I apologize, I meant absolutely no offense. I've seen your rings and discs, they are very fine. I was merely trying to help, and perhaps try to clarify some of the members concerns. As on WAF, no one is trying to attack you or your ring, in that case it was merely a concern arising from unclear photos. People are sometimes quick to make a judgement here and there in the idea that perhaps the lack of clarity in any sense is an attempt to be deceptive. I am merely trying to help you, and help belay that notion, as I believe everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, rather than be convicted by it. If I've been unhelpful, I'm sorry for that. I appreciate the concern for me, but I do not require a posting of a don boyle COA. Again, just trying to help clarify for the benefit of the (quite honestly) good and honest members of this forum, they mean no attack. I've found them to be just an amazing font of unique knowledge, i am proud to be associated in any way with them. As for SSHR's, they are just so amazing, and unique, one day I would be proud to have any one of the quality and character you have shown and sold over the forums, you have an amazing and high-grade premium collection. However, I'm not entirely in that income bracket or maybe life group just yet, so I can only appreciate and learn from the sidelines. As to owning one, though, believe it or not I did get amazingly lucky enough to find one last summer in a pawn shop separated from an SS collection, put in with silver rings, and I was able to buy it for silver weight. Honestly I thought it was an old Harley davidson, one percenter ring or something. I did post photos of it on this forum, and I did get mr. Boyle's COA. I went to the MAX show last year specifically for that purpose, and I ended up meeting and having a great time with Mr. Boyle, Mr. Andy L, and of course the moderator of this forum, Mr. Gaspare Bua. They have all seen my ring in hand, and although it's not a looker, they also identified it as real, and it's value is nothing compared to the friends I met and made through it. Good luck with your ring, IMHO, even as a new guy, it's beautiful and I hope the members give it 2 thumbs up, it's an incredible piece.
God bless,