I don't collect in order to make money when I sell. I collect to get 'all' of something, like etched bayonets or Eickhorn maker mark variations.

Like many of us, I used to and still do collect all kinds of things... stamps, books, music.

I have a collection of over 20,000 music CDs and do not moan about how little they are worth today vs how much I actually paid for them. I do enjoy listening to them though, which is really why I got them in the first place.

Same thing with my collection(s). I am unloading some of my high end items gradually while I still can and hope that my kids will be able to realize some value from the rest of my collection when I go to the great hobby store in te sky. For my kids, this will be gravy even if they realize 10 cents to every dollar that I spent.

I collect for the sake of collecting. The thrill is in the chase, not in owning and holding after. So, enjoy while you can and let others worry about net realizable value.


Always looking for Eickhorns and etched bayonets.