Howdy fellas,

I'm always looking/exploring the net/books on SA daggers and I found two interesting articles (in German) on the net (other forum). I thought I'd share this with y'all.

Here is the translation of the article:

How the SA-civilian insignia came to be. (From an illustrated report in the magazine "Der SA-Mann", no. 15/1936.) Originating from an idea contest announced in 1929 by the then-Supreme SA Command, the SA civilian insignia was created from the so-called Siegrune - the ancient Germanic symbol for lightning - combined with a second component, the so-called Mannrune, the rune for the "me". These symbols - the symbol for the sparking word, with which the enemies of the idea are hit and the symbol of the upright, indomitable man - were connected by a ring (unity of these two ideas). The arrangement of the runes was done in such a way that the two letters S and A are recognizable in them. Later on, the addition of a tick made the A even more clearly recognizable. The design was a joint submission by Standartenf�hrer Hans Z�berlin (author of the book "Der Glaube an Deutschland") and the now-commander of Sturmbann II of Standarte "List", Munich, Obersturmbannf�hrer Max Zankl."

The other article explains the design/drawing of the SA logo.
I found it quite fascinating the history behind the SA logo and that the meaning of it is not only an abbreviation of the word Sturmabteilung.

enjoy the history!



sa logo origin 1.jpg (57.63 KB, 190 downloads)
SA logo origin resized.jpg (28.08 KB, 191 downloads)

Die Treue ist das Mark der Ehre!