Dear friends like recently passed John Pepera,
Also Andy 'MilitaryNut', Jim Modena,,and the others on the list on the first page helped us.
There are others that helped thru prayer,,,it all helped and my Wife ,children, and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts....

Thank God I was lucky to have the U.S. Army National Guard set up from across from our home.... Great bunch of young guys. They were there for us in everyway..

We rebuilt,,and rebuilt fast [had experience the year before from IRENE].
Things are very far from over. We have a beautiful home we live in.. But a home that we learned must be torn down!

We qualify for all the programs,,all the Grants.. NY has over a billion just for residential rebuilding.. We've been jumping thru the hoops,,saying how high,,,but we still don't have an idea if and when we can get started with our lives again.

But life goes on,,schools opned,,people got back to work. We live day by day. Greatfull that we have each other and our health..

Take the time friends to appreciate what you have,,hug your family, pray to what ever God you pray to......

Again I just want to say thank you to all that thought of us. It DID and still does really help..,Thanks again Gaspare