G wrote; "Many old time jewelry firms continued to use their old Imperial stamps [1/4 moon, crown, content number],,many didn't. Also as mentioned, small items did not have to be marked at all, and again,,some did, some didn't....

In response; The criteria for marking didn't change and as long as firms registered in accordance with German law of course, they could do so. Reasons for them not to; allow their registration to expire or have it deleted from the register, for whatever personal reason they might have. For example, going out of business.

Second part; I'm as guilty as anyone with this one. The law doesn't state "small items". It specifically states "jewelry", but in accordance with another section that I wont get into right now. Big difference. If I can answer any more questions, I'd be glad to.

I keep forgetting to mention, the F* mark that we've all been wondering about for so long, is the mark of W. Frey, Pforzheim, no longer in business. Thanks