
As I see them ...

Red beard Barbarossa dreams away the centuries, awakened again in June of 1941, Hitler's ill-fated invasion of Russia, "Operation Barbarossa."

A distant Germania beckons the nation's youth to arms.

Hard to translate Durer's caption, though, it looks like Death is making a bargain of some kind with the soldier..?

The wise young woman.

A great depiction of mirrored wolf images, possibly Fenrir, inspired by the old Nordic sagas?

Germania and her handmaidens beckon the warrior/statesman/hero with a poem to rescue the country from the Bolsheviks.
Who will lead us?

A stunning war eagle carrys the nation's sword against Belgium, most likely an early, 1914 postcard.

A humorous card that reads, "Deutschland �ber alles - daily song practice - today with music." The Austrian and German soldiers lead the defeated Allied choir. A bit premature but funny nevertheless.

Another brilliant selection from your vast collection of German art. Many thanks for sharing these fine images.

