
Thanks for adding these two good examples, each one has a super eagle motif. The double-headed eagle plate is a beauty, just wonderful detail to the entire body. The artist didn't miss anything. The strong, circular border-designs really lock that central image in, they give the whole thing that feeling of a powerful warrior's shield. They just don't come much better than this ... wink

Eagle! Tirolean Eagle! ... is all I can make out of the lead-in to the saying on this fine wooden plate. Also lots of excellent detailing throughout the carving, love the way the banderole folds back on itself, great work there. The floral sprigs and Edelweiss blooms are classic too, all professionally carried out. The eagle must have initially been a nice bright, Tirolean red, a good while back. Sadly, someone must have hung this decorative piece in direct sunlight and over a long period of time. Normally the red pigments will tend to be the first to get bleached out by the sun's UV-rays. No matter, it's still a classic example of the distinctive red-raptor from the alps.

Man you've got a great eagle collection going there my friend, thanks for hooking us up with these extra nice patterns.

