The AH pistol of which you speak surfaced from a vet in the Cleveland area in the late 60's or early 70's. It ended up in the collection of an advanced collector in Saskatchewan. When he passed away and his estate was liquidated, the pistol went back to Germany.
The only part I know for a fact is that it was in Andy's possession in Sk. The rest is hearsay and welcome anyone else to verify or refute this info.
This same pistol was pictured in Jim Rankin's Vol. 2 book. He also stated that it had blood under the grips which was tested and was the same type as Hitler's. He was implying that this was the pistol with which AH committed suicide. That part is baloney IMHO.

WANTED TO REPURCHASE!! Walther pistol Model PP - ac code - Ser. No. 382000P - REWARD FOR INFO ABOUT THIS PISTOL!!