hello to all,
it has been quite a while that i have been on here. that being said i am the previous owner of the schwarz 33 ring. i will try to cover all the questions in the thread the best i can. first,the ring was aquired near regansburg sometime after the war by an army docter named davies. he was the doctor that my mother had worked for as his RN. he had noticed the skul;l was loose and asked a jeweler friend to repair the skull. the jeweler decided to be a good friend and replace it with a bezel and diamond setting. the diamond is a vvs quailty an g-h color abot 33 points. so a very nice stone which is now in a ring my wife wears. when the jeweler gave the ring back to doc davies. he was furious and gave it to my mother and said here its ruined "i dont want it". it sat in a drawer for 35 years or so misplaced. she came across it one day and gave it to me. i knew it was an honor ring but wasnt sure about the inscription because it was different than all others on the web. i contaacted don boyle about it and he was extremely interested in seeing it. so when the max came to town i met don and we went out to eat,he came to my home and he got a hands on look at it as well as a few other members. i assure you the ring i sold craig was 100% good. the internal scratches looked like it was worn on a chain around the neck or something? as for the whole sale to craig that is a sore subject! i sold the ring to craig for around 2500.00 due to financial issues. i was led to beleive it wasnt worth much more than that. didnt matter i needed the money. but the real issue is this. part of the sale agreement was my story of the ring and recgnition as the previous owner was to be in the book and a signed copy was to be mailed to me on completion of publishing. well,none of that ever happend! when i called craig about the book after it was finaly out he told me that he didnt order any extra copies and didnt have one for me! so with that all being said, i hope the new owner enjoys the ring as i did,and i do have the original photos before and after the diamond was removed. i could dig them out for the current owner to have a copy of. i will not release permission for use in any publications without writtn permission though. not trying to start a fight but the air and truth needs to be cleared.

m.vaughn shock
best wishes