Patrice and all, this will be my last post on the topic and that will be it for me.

I saw this dagger for sale in May and thought about buying it asking for additional photos. The dagger was reduced from $6500 to $5500 in about a months time, and still it didn't sell. I asked for additional detailed photos of the blade. When I didn't get them, I thought that there would be a chance that I would get a chance to see the dagger at the MAX.

At the MAX, the dealer that had this consigned initially apologized for not getting back to me with the blade photos. He explained that he no longer had it consigned, was shown some challenges that the dagger had, and gave it back to the consignor. "Some questions on the blade were raised," and those were the dealers words to me at the show.

Later I saw this Klaas on another dealers table in a pile of daggers. I didn't realize at the moment that it was the same dagger being consigned initially. Still I passed on the dagger at $3800 with Gary Southgate standing right next to me, as we were walking the show together.

Patrice later stops us to show the Klaas. Old news, we already saw it and inspected it earlier. I also told Patrice that.

The dagger bothered me for 2 weeks after the show before it dawned on me that the dagger that Patrice purchased was the same piece that was being consigned 3 months earlier. I emailed Patrice to pass on what I had heard and express that I had concern with the blade. He said nonsense and had the piece kissed by dealer. Fine, I dropped it. He's happy, it's his, I didn't want it, case closed.

When Patrice posted the topic the other day, again I very gently raised some concern over why the dagger was pulled from consignment, and sold dirt cheap. From $6500 now we're down to $3800. Why ???

Patrice unloads on me here on the topic. Calls me everything but a child of god. I express my views, relayed what the dealer had told me on pulling the piece, and calmly stated that.

Patrice called B.S and that I couldn't produce the photos of the dagger and everything that I stated was B.S too. Well I produced the photos. I said that it was offered with a vertical when initially listed. I said that I saw the dagger at the MAX long before Patrice ever came in the door. And have relayed the info that I had on what I knew about the dagger from my prospective.

The consigning dealer pulled the dagger. It was sold cheap at the MAX compared to the $6500 price that it started out at. The selling dealer no doubt bought it even much cheaper than the $3800 that he had it tagged for.

With that, I think that well all have to wonder why? What happened here to basically whole sale this piece out?

I tried to help you Patrice, but obviously you never saw it that way. With that, my last word on the subject.

Last edited by JR; 11/08/2012 08:56 PM.