
This elegant piece reminds me of the 'open-type' designs of the G�ring hunting knives. Of course those were designed in a flatter, 3-D, linear fashion but the quality is "right up there ... one for the books!" There should be no doubt this was crafted by a master-smith - your relative must have been held in high esteem to receive such a wonderful gift.

It makes me wonder how many other fine, unknown hunting/forestry weapons from this period are out there, belonging to families and private collections? Has anyone ever been 'behind-the-scenes,' at the Klingenmuseum in Solingen? I'll bet they have a few lovlies tucked away..?

Some of the guys are complaining about the relative quiet here on the forums ... I guess they haven't seen this thread then? How much more could you ask from an edged-weapon? Nothing to say or comment on here, ... kidding, right? There's a good possibility that we've all become over-priveledged and spoiled-rotten with the internet these days? Do we dream only of Himmler Birthday Degen and other such grandiose, elusive things, eh?

I must honestly admit that this fantastic knife has exceeded my expectations in all aspects - from stem-to-stern. This is one of those rare gems that you'd want to inspect on your desk with a good magnifying glass for several days..! wink


Thanks good sir!
