Originally Posted By: Dean Perdue
...Heres one with a few signatures on back. Gotta love Karl's stylized letter on his last name.

Originally Posted By: WWII
..Not only is the stylized "B" a gem, the theme and illustration are also superb...
Relating this to our varied taste's in collecting, can you imagine this small graphic in the proper beautiful frame in your Rustkammer..? It would be a knockout in my humble opinion, the perfect pinnacle for a fine, SS collection..Wish I could translate it for you but I'm miserable at best when it comes to Sutterlin script...

Anyone say S�tterlin??!! Dean what a beautiful card, William, what a beautiful explanation!!! Saving it to my notes thank you very much!!!

Nice type for the word Sonnenwende, yes, I so like the black bird wih the pretty flowers in its beak very much!!! Is it a raven? Also important, in mythology, and in folklore. So maybe also in the SS way of thinking, that Williams brings forward.

I ll help and try the S�tterlin, if nobody beats me to it, ofcourse .. Not sure if it actually is S�tterlin? The type used on the back (Verlag des Vereins blahblah) of the card is Fraktur~like, will need to check when Anton Marussig made the work, and, if the solstice was big topic in Germany before 1930s. Will have to be later, I hope today if I have some time left. Thanks for the card, and the story guys!!!! Truly brilliant!!!!

Last edited by Krullies; 07/14/2012 02:45 PM. Reason: always typos

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