Here is one that is maybe nice for this topic too, and for everyone that likes or reads or follows this group, or topic too.

A card that links to Kreigsanleihe, I put up a card of that before, 3 pages back or so. I like this card, because, it has this dark goth look, and, it has the beautiful S�tterlin writing on it. I once already said something about S�tterlin here .. (hope the link works, its in the KdF topic anyway);

There aint no pretty art so I had to make it up a bit. On the left, an ad for Kreigsanleihe, it says;

Die neue Kriegsanleihe mu� erfolgreich sein - sonst ermutigen wir England weiter zu k�mpfen! - Sie kann erfolgreich sein - denn es ist Geld genug im Lande! Und sie wird erfolgreich sein - wenn jeder handelt, als ob von ihm allein alles abhinge!

So, in english, the new war bonds must be succesful, otherwise we encourage England to keep up the battle. They can be succesful, because there is enuff money in the country! And they will be succesful, if everyone does as if everything depends on him\her.

In other words, if y'all stop being egoistic, and give all your money, because its he only right thing to do, then we will win.

The photo of the officers of a Braunschweig regiment (yes, the 1 at bottomright has a nice skull on the cap!) are just there to make a nice view, handwritten on the back is 1916, no place, unfortunatly. Im sure the EK is here somewhere, but, I m not sure. The little beautiful flower was a nice haphazard, people see it as weed here, but, I like it. The card then, in closeup;

Its pretty no? Can you make out the writing? Ill help you;
Gebt! Helft uns! Unsere Flieger wagen f�r Dich ihr Leben.
Or, in english;
Give! Help us! Our fighterpilots risk there lives for you.

Another strong message, to push people to give money, and valuables, to support the war. Nothing on the back of the card.


Last edited by Krullies; 07/06/2012 12:48 PM. Reason: link?

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