Originally Posted By: WWII
..Great display item for your KdF collection, I wish you much continued good luck!

Thanks William!!!

Originally Posted By: derjager
..You could perhaps line the inside rim with KdF tinnies. smile
Could it possibly be a little server for mints or cards? Perhaps from a KdF ship or guest house?

Hi Joe!!! A good idea, will let you know what pins I put on it .. thanks for the site,. I didnt find the maker there, but, Im asking around, and post here if I find anything. I dont know about what they used it for, but it could be, mints .. good ideas!! Again, Ill post what I can find out.

Originally Posted By: Mikee
One of the best cartoons ever made was when Disney parodied the KDF using one of my favorite cartoon characters. It stared Donald Duck in "der Fuehrer's Face". Which was originally titled "Donald Duck in Nutzi Land". Funny stuff!

Hey Mikee, thanks!!! I didnt know about it, I looked it up, its amazing .. Here is the movie, for anybody that wants to see it too, and, here a whole bunch of info.

Originally Posted By: goldfasan
Great items - Heres a KDF paperweight, marble base 3 1/2" X 2 1/2" with a sail ship reflecting Gau Pommern -

Hi Goldfasan, what an amazing paperweight, never saw anything like it anywhere, thanks for showing!!! Pommern, at the top of Germany, right at the Ostsee, Pommern has nice tinnies with ships, do you have any? But the paperweight looks beautiful, with the waves and the sails, you have something special!!!

Last edited by Krullies; 06/28/2012 09:35 PM. Reason: typos, ha ha

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