
Fine additions all, many thanks to everyone for your comments and contributions. Times are lean as far as collecting, but just seeing and sharing each other's finds is inspirational and trustfully keeps that flicker of hope alive for many of us. It's good to keep that drive going, even if at a somewhat slower, snail's pace ... grin

Sadly, even though Theodor K�rner has a fair-sized and loyal following, I think much of his work is still under-appreciated and valued. For someone who can't afford Allach but would still like a pattern of his marvelous skill for your collection, check out his works for Nymphenburg, Rosenthal and Eschenbach. You're likely to snag one at a fraction of the cost of a rune-marked example. On the other hand, be prepared to shell-out handsomely for good, original K�rner bronzes, they're far and few between ... now and then some of his incredible animal-themed sketches and paintings will come up at auction, too.

What can we say about Herr Professor K�rner that hasn't been said ten times already? He's like an expert marksman who just keeps hitting the ten-ring over and over, and over again ... difficult keeping track of all his perfect scores!

Gary, your pair of bellowing stags is something extra-special, both renderings are quite exceptional. The bronze shooting prize has to be another of my favorite Hirsch sculptures. Like a good crisp, clear snapshot, he captures everything that makes the animal come to life for us; the pose, anatomy and details are extraordinary. You could also say he had a penchant for hooved-animals as his horse and deer sculptures are varied and many. Somehow, the man could continuously impart that special lifespark into just about all of his subjects - whether human, beast or fowl.

I'm not certain at what point one crosses over to genius-level, however, Herr K�rner unreservedly gets my vote for being a "genius with his hands ..."

Good collecting! wink
