Originally Posted By: reds12
These films always make me question myself about collecting things from such a horrible period in history. I know that we as collectors do not and would not condone such behavior ,it still makes me wonder why there is such an allure to collect these artifacts..

Legit concern, I'm sure its been gone over here, and elsewhere, before.
Some are no doubt attracted to having things from "the dark side", others think no more or less of TR than any other historical items.
I think there is probably a mix of both in it for me. I collect WW2 USMC and Imperial Germany as well, but there can be no question about the allure of items bearing the Swastika, whether people want to admit it to themselves or not. When something is declared taboo, it always attracts curiosity and a cult following ,,, And in todays PC age, there is not much of anything more taboo than Nazis in general, or Swastika bearing items in particular.

As far as individual feelings about this, it all boils down to intent & purpose of individuals. If you have no intent to spread NS ideology, or use their items to glorify their dirty deeds, then I think you have nothing to be shamed about. What happened happened, and cannot be erased from history. Trying to do so would, indeed, be a disservice to the victims of radical ideology. "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it", so the saying goes.
