Originally Posted By: Ronald Weinand
Den, the more I ready the more confused I am. First of all, HJ Leader Daggers by Horster DON'T HAVE CROSSGRAINING ON THE BLADE. The blades are plated throughout all except the very tip, hence no crossgraining. As I previously stated, the blade on the supposed reproduction has been buffed, so no crossgraining would have been seen if it even had had any.
While the fittings are different, I would agree with Serg that I would have to see in in hand for a better determination. Also, I didn't like the leather from the start, but that being said, I have seen different types of leather used on originals: all the way from pin-seal types to the grain shown on these. This is especially evident on Eickhorns.
So, yes I am sure this could be a reproduction, but don't be so quick to condem it as MANY original variations DO exist.
For years, HJ Leaders have been a challenge to the collector and dealer as to source and originality just for this reason.

The original blades Herster that I saw have a mirror finish, fake blades have polishing but they do not have a mirror shine. The method of RZM etching fundamentally different. I do not take into account, quality and originality of the leather, as this part could easily be replaced on the original subject. I know that Herster had some differences HY Leader, I will show it in a particular topic that would not be confused colleagues. Ron, forgive me if confuse you. Your comments very helpfull. I think, your comment will bring greater clarity to my pictures.

In photo 2 original, and 4 fake TM Herster. All daggers are different. Fakes have the same eagle on the scabard and other signs allowing to understand that it's a series, but not handmade.

compare RZM.JPG (109.79 KB, 924 downloads)

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