Originally Posted By: Pitbull63
I agree with Paul and Pat,
Do I think it's possible to make a "super fake", yes, but not one that would pass a professional hand on inspection. I just think it's highly unlikely and not feasible. This is my theory. When counterfeiters counterfeit money they don't make 50's and 100's, they make 5's, 10's, and 20's, their are more of them around. If they're going to fake a 55 DLV, in order to recoup costs they would have to flood the market...they can't, it's a "rare dagger". In order to make a perfect fake the first hurdle is to make the perfect dagger...not too easy, but now they have to make it look 70 years old. I'm not sure which one of those two things is harder. I posted this picture from Tom Johnson's German Daggers of World War II reference book volume 4 page 1023. These are dies of various dagger and sword parts from the period, they're still around and in my opinion this is the only way to make anything convincing enough to look like an original. HOWEVER, there is still the task of making it look 70 years old and that is what I have a hard time believing. I'm not trying to run this thread astray but if anyone has ever watched the Antiques Road Show, there is reproduced furniture and tables on there all the time and guess what...it doesn't fool the appraisers...not once. Their made from the same materials, put together the same way, but when they take a drawer out or take it apart it's missing the patina. I have heard that these dagger counterfeiters soak the daggers in piss, bury them in the back yard and so on. I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it. You can reproduce a dagger, it won't be cheap, it for sure won't be easy, but you can only reproduce the duration of time with the duration of time.


Sorry, but I have to disagree with your posting above. To me it shows you must not have been in this hobby a long time.

The reality of the reproduction situation is this; EVERY expert in this field has been fooled by a 'in-hand' authenticity inspection at one time or another. Naturally, few will want to admit it, fewer yet want to be reminded.
And if you believe what you see in those staged antique shows on T.V. - well...let's for now stick to blades. wink

Are you looking for a screamer TeNo leader? Here's one that could be had.

Images provided to me by 'confidential source' and used here with their permission.

It's got a mint blade, with full sharp burnishing on the logo and eagle.

And the scabbard is also super clean with all burnishing.

Here is a full shot...You want it beore it gets away??? Ya gotta move quick!

Well save your money. This is a current super fake TeNo Leader. I have not inspected
it 'in-hand', however I'm told it has fooled many a expert. Is it a perfect fake? No.
There is a way to tell...but that's for another time (no PM's on what that is please)
Billy G. knows about these...but how many others?

All I'm saying is don't get so confident that an expert can tell. When good new model
repro comes on the market many get taken.
Here is the west we are mostly behind the times in this area anyway IMO.
When the new patina repro Postschutz came out it was newer colleages from Russia who proved that it was a fake in this excellent thread.

I felt it was important to make a point here but it took away the initial 55cm DVL thread. Moderator please
feel free to delete this post if non-conforming.


Last edited by Serge (aka Wagner); 01/26/2012 05:43 AM. Reason: spelling