If you are referring to this post by Houston
"Sorry, but I am not going to get into a water contest with any "big time" collectors who just love to bash dealers with their lies using stolen, unauthorized and altered photos and anything else they can conjure up with their room full of computers.They just love to have their names up in print. Believe me there are plenty of counter charges I could make against these babies but I just don't have time to provide the entertainment. I have helped many of you in the past also saving many of you thousands of dollars with my FREE collector's guide. Who else has provided such a thing? Please keep that in mind while reading this. Thanks, and thanks for all who have written supporting posts. That's all I have to say.
That was not much of an explanation. I also agree that Hohaus should not have made the post regarding my name/address. I have nothing to hide, but it had no bearing on the post.