Thanks for having a look guys. I've not had much luck although maybe I have? I found these books on Amazon which are reprints of the original programme for the TR approved annual show, (The Great German Art Exhibition). Here is the description:

"On 10th July 1938, the second annual Great German Art Exhibition opened at the House of German Art in Munich, one of the eight exhibitions staged annually until 1944. Participation in one of these Great German Art Exhibitions was almost indispensable for an artist's reputation in Germany. The official arts magazines and general press reviewed almost exclusively artists who had been exhibited in the Munich show. Several thousand works of art had been submitted for the exhibition and only a few hundred went on show. The president of the Reich Culture Chamber, Adolf Ziegler, supervised the selection of paintings, while the sculptors Arno Breker and Josef Wackerle were responsible for the sculptures. There were no formal criteria. The selection was based on Hitler's taste and on that of the judges. This rare original of the Great German Art Exhibition Catalogue 1938 has been faithfully reproduced by World Propaganda Classics and is part of a series of historical reprints carefully selected to show how art and literature throughout the ages have been used for political purposes. The reprint of this rare book will be welcomed by scholars of the period as an indispensable primary source offering a valuable perspective on the formation and development of Nazi ideology".