Hello all,

It has been quite some time since I posted any contributions to the site, so I hope this makes up for the delay.

I have also been in the middle of a large international move, so I was not able to post these pictures until now.

I have been collecting for about 10 years and have always wanted an RAD officers dagger, always loved the design, but I had a tough time finding the "right one".
The common problems of flaking silver plate as well as the difficulty in finding a NICE one without too much wear-&-tear kept me from picking one up until recently.

I found this knife at the last SOS with the help of a fellow collector (thanks Serge!!) who ferret-ed it out from a "reluctant to sell" dealer. wink

What can I say, this is "IT".
I believe that this was a "special made" piece as the silver plate is very heavy and is free from the common bubbling troubles.

It is also fitted with genuine Ivory Grips, which is seem SO rarely on these daggers.

I cannot seem to get my photos as large as I used to be able too, but I hope these pics are sufficient.

Good hunting,

IMG_7986-3.jpg (115 KB, 276 downloads)

Silver Badge #0398

My Avatar = My dagger security system! wink