Hi Mister Jerry,

Truly VERY nice shot, thanks for showing!! I've been called names for mentioning burntests! Please, can you you explain how to do these the right way? Ive never had to do those?

And, back to the �rmelband, yes, the head looks (!!!!!!!!!) wrong. Also, I'm doing a (try to do a proper deep) article on the 1936 olympics? That idea came because of a KdF Abzeichen for the olympics I havent found the background of it yet? I've been watching Leni Riefenstahls Olympia movies, I've srutinised the book, a little rare "making of Olympia" by Riefenstahl, also cigarette albums, period newspapers and newspaper specials, and, drawings, real art, by know/unknown artists, that draw or phfotograph the athletes? In training, and in actual olympics! Not ever once this �rmelband comes by. Yes the sports organisation very very much has to do with the olympics! And if real, this armband surely is a cracker! But, I havent seen it, yet, anywhere. Surely will post it here if I do .. but, like mister Grant sais? Its nowhere to be found! Anywhere? Which dont make it fake, ofcourse, but, very difficult to say anything about.

Anyways, how do you rightly test cloth items? Just burn a tiny threat, no?


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