Just a thought but I would be used to seeing the "A" in alles capitalized or is there a difference between the Germanic and English expression of sentence structure? Larry

Also I cant seem to leave this Haco thing alone. So would it be safe to say it was "Haco werk" who made the daggers? Sorry if I seem a little dim on this subject, but as nicely as the Haco daggers were made I think it would break my heart if they were made by some other firm that we dont know about. Something like a highly reputable food company that sells to a lower contractor "No frills brand name" just to sell the product. I HOPE THIS IS NOT THE CASE with Haco. IMO Haco is a strong name in daggers along with Eickhorn, Pack and Boker. Seems like alot of trouble to just put a logo on someone elses dagger. Yea I know I am a little behind on this issue. Best Larry

Last edited by Siegfried B; 02/18/2011 04:07 PM.

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