Yes, but I aint seen most tinnies in period pics anywhere. So, saying it aint good because it never shows it face anywhere, has no foundation too? Nobody gives a definitif good or false. When did this pin turn up anywhere? Please PLEASE tell me. Anybody know? I think, Ti�ste can be trusted, to do at least a bit of homework, more then most funplayers at home do or can. And he surely aint always right. Who is? I agree, period books/mags, are super, for refs, learning, and I recently got a gorgeous book that actualy shows some Abzeichen that are very popular these days and much faked, so what better comparison to check then that book is there? But, again, my opinion, that this one is good remains as well. And, also, again, what do I know? Not much! So dont take my word, I just gave my opinion. Convince me its fake. Maybe I WANT this to be good, JUST to prove some others very wrong. BUT, Im not buying the blind shooters anymore anywhere

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