
Thanks, that would help. In a long posting it sometimes got very confusing. And I had to go and color code them just to try and figure out who said what.

As for the grips what you said I think was : �Andy, As per the Wood Grips with SS Markings and dates in them, they are seen in the early SS VT Bayonets, SS Early & Late TV Bayonets and Waffen SS Bayonets. These grips are referred to as Camp Grips. Usually whatever you find them on has been reworked: reblued, accountability numbered, etc. However, The camp grips are usually95% always found on SS VZ-24 bayonets. This model of SS Bayonet has always been modified & or reworked.�

Your words not mine, and I was looking for clarification.

As for the Vz. 24 rifles, how do you tell something like a Romanian rework from a German one? It�s been a long time since I�ve looked at them, but I seem to recall some out of place markings with some of the imports. And the same thing with the slings. Czech made, versus those made elsewhere after the war.

PS: My own estimate of the time needed to rebuild my files is at least a month. So I can understand the problem with data management that is out of control.
With the good news being that it's not everything, with some segments in (more or less) reasonable shape

Best Regards, FP