Not a dagger but a great story I love to tell concerning Herman Goring's baton.

For the last two years I've experimented with running classified, display ads and Motel buys.

I get a message on my cell " My name is Karl and my father is LT Warren Eckberg and he brought back Herman Goring's baton. I don�t have the baton but I do a piece of HG silver would you be interested??"

I thought the guy was pulling my leg so I called him back and he starts telling me the story of how dad brought it back...As he's telling me the story I recalling it from a book I have. So I go in my office and pull the book and there is part of a chapter on the baton. I asked him is name again and just like the book... That got my attention then.

I still don�t believe the "story" so I drive an hour to his house and met with him. I asked to see his driver's license... He laughed and showed it. He is the only son of Warren.

He had all of his dads medals and certificates, and a small silver shot glass with the gloved fist that was Goring's family crest.

He also had original newspaper clippings of when WARREN got in a bit of trouble with the FEDS.. The way he tells the story (which is not covered in any book) is the FED and the ARMY were going to take it since "WAR BOOTY" cannot have any residual value like the gold and diamonds that were on the baton. They gave him an option of KEEPING the baton IF he paid the taxes on it. Since he just got out of the army he had no income so they took it. According to Karl the taxes were 150.00 in 1946.

He also had 6 of these cups and over the years he and his dad had sold them off and this was the last one.

I did buy the cup (probably OVER PAID) for it along with copies of the certs and some of his original membership cards to "Gentlemen's clubs"...with his name on the back.

I showed him the book his dad is in. He wrote some cool items in there for me and told me in MAY of every year to take the cup fill it with some Kentucky Bourbon and Toast the ALLIED Victory... As his father used to do before he died. Great piece with a great story that I was able to pull out of the woodwork myself to a known TR person and a known "Liberator"...HAHA